Monday, May 10, 2010

Early Reactions to Kagan's Supreme Court Nomination

By Newsy - Multisource Video News Analysis - Obama has tapped Solicitor General Elana Kagan to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, but some say she has no judicial experience. ---

She has proven to be inept, BUT the most important is her Socialistic/Marxist/Fascist/Communist leanings.
This is what Obama wants to further his agenda of destroying our Republic, our Democracy , and replacing it with a Totalitarian Socialism. This way he and his minions hope to stay in power, even if it destroys our Economy. Russia did the same until they finally wised up.
Why did you think Vladmir Putin warned Obama NOT to go down this road to Socialism. Putin said, speaking from experience, it doesn't work!
Since Obama chose to ignore these and many other warnings, it can mean only one thing. He doesn't care about the American People, but only all the Power and Money he can get his Grubby hands on! ---Al

more about "Early Reactions to Kagan's Supreme Co...", posted with vodpod

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