Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stop Digging

Posted By BankruptingAmerica

"Stop Digging" is a television advertisement to highlight the decades-old problem of government overspending, and the staggering fiscal problems it has created.

Despite overspending resulting in a projected FY 2010 deficit of $1.3 trillion and debt of over $13 trillion; despite endless pledges to get spending under control; and despite repercussions ranging from hampered job creation to widespread citizen anger -- Washington simply cannot, or will not, get a grasp on the nation's purse strings.

Public Notice's new ad campaign highlighting this problem employs the commonsense Will Rogers quote: "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

It's become glaringly clear that Washington's explosive spending isn't helping the economy, and isn't creating jobs. Regrettably, what this habitual overspending has done is buried America in debt, badly shaken business confidence, and hastened a future economic and fiscal crisis that threatens to eclipse the dismal situation of today.

There remains hope to change course, but it will require those in Washington to get their act together, and fast. In short, that will require less useless finger-pointing, more political courage, and perhaps the toughest of them all: far less spending.
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Stop Digging , posted with vodpod

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