Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Ed Schultz: Sarah Palin’s ‘Cojones’ Remark About Obama Was ‘Sexist’

Warning: Readers are strongly advised to remove fluids from their mouths as well as from proximity to their computers before proceeding any further!

Ed Schultz on Monday accused Sarah Palin of making a sexist remark about President Obama.

As NewsBusters previously reported, the former Alaska governor on Sunday said, "[Arizona governor] Jan Brewer has the cojones that our president does not have to look out for all Americans, not just Arizonans, but all Americans in this desire of ours to secure our borders and allow legal immigration to help build this country as was the purpose of immigration laws."

On the MSNBC program bearing his name, Schultz took exception to this comment in a fashion destined to leave many readers gasping for air in hysterics (video follows with transcript and commentary):

ED SCHULTZ, HOST: Sarah Palin is hitting President Obama below the belt on immigration. The same Sarah Palin who claimed to be a victim of sexism during the 2008 campaign has no problem making sexist remarks about the President of the United States. Here she is at home on Fox News Sunday.

Honestly, the lengths folks on MSNBC will go to trash this woman while defending the president they helped get elected is astounding.

As if Schultz wasn't aware, even Dictionary.com recognizes a meaning for "balls" that is not the slightest bit sexual:

balls, Slang: Vulgar .
a. boldness; courage; brashness.

This has become a very common term for courage with a lack thereof indicating cowardice.

In recent years, the Spanish term for balls "cojones" has been similarly used.

As such, to suggest this was sexist on Palin's part indicates a lack of inteligencia and sinceridad on Schultz's.

—Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters. Follow him at Facebook and Twitter.

Ed Schultz: Sarah Palin’s ‘Cojones’ Remark Abou..., posted with vodpod

1 comment:

Linda said...

True, gotta admire Palin for saying whatever comes into her mind.

However, she is now part left-right paradigm of the “establishment”, when she endorsed the two “elites”, John McAmnesty and Rick Perry, (who only postures on illegals, while supporting their in-state tuition and anti- HB1070, not to mention his huge efforts using eminent domain for the NAU Superhighway), she lost all respect, in my book.

She’s just another political hack, trying to get her “side” fired up…. she dumped her principles when she endorsed the two RINO’s and showed herself to be just another party hack.

Also, she just up and quit the job she was elected to do. That tells me enough about her. I actually think she is unstable.
